The Monitoring Team is making a draft of the budget for the first year of monitoring, available for formal community feedback. We want to hear from as many voices as possible during the comment period.

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Draft First-Year Monitoring Budget


draft first-year monitoring Budget

Meanwhile, the draft First-Year Monitoring Budget estimates the fees and expenses the Monitoring Team expects to incur in the first year of monitoring, which will run from mid-February 2018 through mid-February 2019. The estimated fees and expenses are within the cap of $1.475 million established by the City and Department of Justice in the Consent Decree. The introduction to the budget explains more specifics.

The public comment period will run from January 29, 2018 through February 9, 2018. Comments can be submitted in one of three ways: 

  • By completing an online questionnaire;
  • By mailing a letter to the Monitoring Team at the following address: BPD Monitoring Team; c/o Kenneth Thompson; Venable LLP; 750 East Pratt Street, Suite 900; Baltimore, MD 21202
  • By hand-delivering a letter to the Monitoring Team’s office at 7 E. Redwood Street, 6th Floor, in Baltimore.